Technology + Artistry = CEREC Magic

DF2Cosmetic Dentistry

Downstairs from our spa-like waiting room and airy treatment rooms, there’s magic happening. Enter our milling lab, where the power of technology meets the human touch of artistry.

Four laboratory technicians work as a team to create the foundation for the beautiful dentistry that we are able to produce upstairs. Putting their combined decades of experience to work, they create wax mockups to envision the final result that we are looking to create. We transfer the beautiful rendering to the patient’s mouth for a perfect end product. They are truly artists.

While most dental practices rely on remote milling labs across the country to create dental prosthetics, …

Read More: Technology + Artistry = CEREC Magic

Plant-Based Diets & Your Teeth

DF2Nutrition, Prevention & Wellness, Routine Dentistry

Plant-based diets seem to be all the rage these days. While the definition of what constitutes a plant-based diet varies, this article from Healthline outlines the basic principles. Essentially, a plant-based diet limits meat and processed food, while focusing on plants — including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts.

Health benefits of a plant-based diet include weight loss and reduced risks for developing diabetes and heart disease. But what about your teeth? A diet that minimizes processed food and added sugars will improve oral health … but as with any diet,…

Read More: Plant-Based Diets & Your Teeth